Asia-Pacific Journal of Surgical & Experimental Pathology

About ASEP

Scope and criteria for publication

Asia-Pacific Journal of Surgical & Experimental Pathology (ASEP) (print ISSN: -, online ISSN: -) publishes essential research in molecular and cellular pathology, physiopathology, biomarkers of disease mechanisms, clinic-pathological entities and predictive response to therapy, with a special focus on translational approaches. It also brings together research addressing animal models, new and comparative methods, and case collections for specific regions or ethnic groups. The journal explores the pathophysiological and pathogenetic mechanisms of human disease, and aims to bridge the gap between molecular investigation and daily practice in surgical pathology.

Peer-reviewed manuscript types include reviews, original reports, and brief letters. All manuscripts submitted to the journal will be rapidly sent to be reviewed by our peer reviewers to improve its quality. Manuscript with high quality will be accepted and published online.

ASEP is indexed and covered by Google Scholar and ResearchGate now. We will timely apply index of electronic database including PubMed, Medline, and Web of Science for the journal.

Turnaround times for manuscripts after submission

  • First editorial decision - 7 days
  • Peer review - 2 weeks
  • Revision time - 1-4 weeks
  • Ahead of Print - within 1 month of being accepted
  • Formal publication - within 1-12 month of being accepted

Submit your manuscript

To know more about submission to ASEP, please read our author instructions to prepare a manuscript.